In its governance structure, Friends of Bierlmeier Family Foundation is a typical family foundation whereby the ultimate authority rests with the founding family. Through common agreement, the founding family members select the Board of Directors which is composed by the co-founders. In joint collaboration with the Board of Directors, the founding family chooses CEO of the foundation. For the CEO, Friends of Bierlmeier Family Foundation puts term limits of 12-year maximum for a six-year term.
The Foundation also has a board intern role (two-year term, non-voting status) for family members as well as an emeritus trustee role (three year term, non-voting status). These latter roles have been created in part to facilitate the transition of the next generation of family members onto the board, providing opportunities for learning prior to board service as well as mentoring and coaching support for next generation board members once on the board. In addition, the founding family may temporarily choose Honorary Members depending on their experience or any other contribution they can make to Friends of Bierlmeier Family Foundation.