- Investment: Empowering existing initiatives and creating them where they are not present to contribute to significantly to community development (self-help groups, saving and lending groups, cooperatives….), setting up a platform for existing and new initiatives, reaching international market, creating income generating activities.
- Communication: Promoting digital communication
- Education: Establishing Day Care Schools, primary and secondary schools, reducing school drop outs through youth empowerment
- Family healing: Mental health interventions to address family conflicts and their root causes and consequences. Among the consequences are orphans, delinquent youth, addictions, and so forth.
- Youth family reintegration: This includes youth and integral human development, and value-based education program for adolescents and youth victims of delinquency.
- Anti-segregation philosophy and culture of peace: Friends of Bierlmeier Family Foundation plans to contribute to the building of peace and cohesion between peoples by organizing meetings and gatherings for intercultural exchanges with the aim of humanizing the current socio-cultural context seen at different levels: regional, African and global.
- Global awareness on dignity: Contribution to a permanent media campaign on human dignity. Raising awareness of the dangers that refugees face in host countries and advocating for their fundamental rights.
- Environmental sustainability: Taking care of our mother earth requires willingness to change our way of conceiving creation and its mandate. We should see ourselves as stewards not owners in order to promote an ecology that will be able to accommodate us and future generations.
Priority Areas
Transforming Communities, One Life at a Time